Yoga 4 Classrooms Training Part of UNH SEL Certificate Program

Big news!

We are thrilled to announce that Y4C’s STEP 1: Yoga & Mindfulness in the Classroom Training is part of the new Social and Emotional Learning Certificate with University of New Hampshire Professional Development and Training offering educators, counselors, and social workers a short-term, noncredit program that offers the latest in theory, strategies, and outcomes around the ever-changing world of SEL

For 10 years, Yoga 4 Classrooms and UNH PD&T have partnered to offer yoga, mindfulness and SEL training to educators, counselors, social workers and others supporting the well-being of students, educators and schools. We are excited to advance our partnership in a way that provides professionals in these roles an opportunity to dive deeper into SEL education while earning CEU’s and the new UNH PD&T SEL Certificate and digital badge and microcredential.

Why is Social and Emotional Learning so important?

Understanding and fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) within a classroom, school, or community is no longer the latest educational fad; it has become a core competency necessary for all educators focused on boosting positive impact and outcomes for their students. Furthermore, creating classroom environments centered around social and emotional learning not only benefit students, it benefits teachers themselves  – educators working in SEL environments report improved classroom behavior and academic outcomes, and in turn, report higher rates of personal and professional success and satisfaction.

The Social and Emotional Learning Certificate with UNH Professional Development & Training is designed for:

  • Educators of all kinds, formal and informal, looking to stay current in the latest Social and Emotional Learning findings, theories, and best practices.
  • K-12 classroom teachers looking to maintain their state licensures through continue education units (CEUs)
  • School counselors, therapists, and social workers looking to maintain their state licensures through continue education units (CEUs)

Certificate Requirements:

For more information, please visit: https://training.unh.edu/SEL

Can you earn CE’s, PDP’s, CEU’s or graduate-level credits with Yoga 4 Classrooms trainings in general? Yes! See FAQ’s for details.