Desk Puppy Stretch: A 30 Second Reset

It’s test time and you and your students have been sitting…and sitting…and they’re starting to get squirmy in their seats. Or, maybe it’s the end of the day and you’ve gathered up for a staff meeting but everyone comes in hunched over and looking lethargic…

DESK PUPPY to the rescue!

Desk Puppy, a modified version of Downward-Facing Dog, is a simple 30-second stretch perfect for the classroom, office or home. It’s one of the 67 main activities in the Yoga 4 Classrooms program and activity cards, and a fan favorite. For extra fun and community-building, be sure to grab a partner for Puppy Friends, one of the “Here’s an idea!” extension activities on the back of the card!

WATCH NOW as Lisa Flynn, founder of Yoga 4 Classrooms, shares about and leads the activity. Then, try it with your students and/or colleagues.

How did it go? What were the reflections? Be sure to write back to let us know!


Yoga 4 Classrooms® mission is to empower youth with the skills they need to be healthy, happy and resilient at school, at home and throughout their lives. We provide professional development trainings and research and trauma-informed curricula, resources and consulting to educators, counselors, schools and related organizations who support the social, emotional, physical and cognitive wellbeing of schoolchildren. Our sustainable program and classroom essentials have been been successfully used in thousands of classrooms and schools worldwide resulting in a measurable impact on social and emotional learning, student success and overall climate.

Yoga 4 Classrooms® offers a simple 3-Step Implementation Success Path for Individual Educators or entire Schools or School Districts:

  1. Professional development training for educators and school professionals: Self-Paced, Live Remote Online, In-Person, or as School In-service Professional Development
  2. Classroom essentials to support implementation including discounted pricing for schools and non-profit organizations that support schools, students, educators and other school-based professionals
  3. Optional Advanced School IMPLEMENT Leadership training for school professionals and teams who wish to lead school-wide implementation from the inside, the most sustainable and effective implementation.

Let’s get started!