Research Repository – Digital Ebook (Updated in 2025)

Research Repository: Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation for Children, Adolescents and In Schools – Digital Ebook, sponsored by Yoga 4 Classrooms (updated 2025)



With the intention of providing a helpful resource for schools, program providers, researchers, and others interested in the body of evidence supporting yoga and mindfulness in schools, we’ve compiled a comprehensive research repository. This 151-page, searchable, organized reference list of over 1,700 peer-reviewed, published studies and research review articles provides links to abstracts and full-text publications when available.

The repository ebook is updated frequently with the latest published studies added and highlighted to make it easy to see what’s new.

The current version was updated on February 6, 2025, adding over 200 new references.

The digital ebook is provided as a PDF download with a single-user license. If intended for multiple users, please update the quantity to the number of licenses being purchased and be sure the shipping recipient is the person to be distributing the licenses. The honor code is at work here- we thank you for your integrity and support!

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“As a researcher myself, this is an awesome resource!” – Lauren M.H., Researcher

“Thanks for making these studies available!” – Margaret G., School Counselor

“This has saved me months of research for my master’s thesis. Thank you!!!” – Student

“Awesome repository of research. Appreciate the updates, too!” – Pat S., Education Consultant

“I’ve seen first hand how Yoga 4 Classrooms supports the well-being of everyone in the classroom. I chose to focus on my dissertation on this topic because of your training which, for me, was life-altering Needless to say, this repository is being used extensively and I can’t thank you enough for all the time and energy you put into creating it.” – Meredith, Doctorate of Education Student

“This is amazing!!! thank you for creating!!” – Megan S.D., Program Provider