An Antidote to Teacher Burnout: How Yoga and Mindfulness Can Support Resilience In and Out of the Classroom
Embracing self-care and mindfulness, teachers can improve their own well-being…and better support their classrooms.
Yoga for School Kids – Yogaglo ( features Yoga 4 Classrooms features Y4C study in article about yoga’s impact on health, performance and school climate.
Yoga 4 Classrooms study results are in – learn what researchers report on yoga in classrooms
The study’s goal was to see if a Yoga 4 Classrooms intervention would have an effect on students’ attention span and stress levels..
Why do we need science to prove the effectiveness of yoga-based programs in education?
More research means moving perception of yoga and mindfulness in schools from being anecdotally beneficial to scientifically valid.
Yoga in Public Schools: A Nationwide Grassroots Movement
Research is providing support for the widespread implementation of yoga and mindfulness in school curricula.
What We Can Learn from the Encinitas School Yoga Lawsuit: A Study Summary
Yoga’s not religious, but lessons were learned the hard way. Here are some key takeaways.
Society of Behavioral Medicine: Elementary Schools to Provide at least 60 min of physical activity
Movement and exercise help children stay healthy, but it also aids kids in achieving school success.
The Benefits of Meditation for Children | Forbes article
Forbes features science of mindful practices for kids, schools – contributions from Yoga 4 Classrooms’ Lisa Flynn.
Scientific Evidence for Yoga and Mindfulness in Schools: How and Why Does It Work?
A growing body of research on school-based yoga and mindfulness is showing promising outcomes.
Mindfulness in Schools: What Research Tells Us
Enthusiasm for mindful practices in schools once outweighed the evidence supporting them…not anymore.